Shooting the Donkey in the Complex Sales Process ... Hollywood Style
What is this thing called the Complex Sale that makes seasoned salespeople tremble at the mere mention? That causes two-to-three-year sales pipeline nightmares? What could it possibly have to do with a donkey and Hollywood? The Complex Sale typically refers to a high-value purchase ($100,000 and up) involving a Buyer's Committee, consisting of anywhere from three to twelve people or more. Does a Complex Sale (product or service) to large, successful companies like Wells Fargo, Dell, UPS, Northwestern Mutual Insurance, or Boeing, have anything in common with a sale to — Hollywood? Surprisingly, yes. And prolific Hollywood author, Skip Press, will put it in perspective for us. But first ... Recently, at a technology trade show in Phoenix, I became embroiled in a discussion with sales folks from around the country about the dreaded Complex Sale. Within an hour, I was convinced it was a communicable disease. Maybe incurable. I finally asked the ...