Fedex - Customer Stories2.0
Customer stories can be pretty boring. Lame writing. Tediously too long. Often over-printed. Rarely read. They are, however, one valuable resource that people check out to see if you can really do what you say you can.
Customer Stories2.0
Now comes Fedex doing something interesting. Telling stories. Real stories. Of their employees going the extra step to serve customers. They use satellite imagery - let you pick out anyplace on the globe where they have tagged - you click on it, and a story from that location is displayed. Not a pdf - or classic customer success story format. But a visually appealing, textually minimalistic, powerful example of some world-class storytelling.
Web2.0 - Sales2.0 - PR2.0.
Looks like we have a new 2.0. Customer Stories2.0
Check it out or go to
Customer Stories2.0
Now comes Fedex doing something interesting. Telling stories. Real stories. Of their employees going the extra step to serve customers. They use satellite imagery - let you pick out anyplace on the globe where they have tagged - you click on it, and a story from that location is displayed. Not a pdf - or classic customer success story format. But a visually appealing, textually minimalistic, powerful example of some world-class storytelling.
Web2.0 - Sales2.0 - PR2.0.
Looks like we have a new 2.0. Customer Stories2.0
Check it out or go to